The Harvest Letters

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To the Quiet Heroes

I want to write to all of you quiet heroes today. I want to tell you how much your life matters and how infinitely loved you are.

You are taking up crosses. Laying down selfishness. Pushing back darkness. Showing up day after day when all you want to do is sit and yell at God for a while. You are remaining faithful to the Lord’s calling in the face of uncertainty. You are grasping grace and then giving it away. 

And your life may feel unnoticed. It may feel unappreciated and mundane. You may not be getting the affirmation or praise you desire to keep on going. You are punching the time clocks, changing the diapers, saying the prayers, taking the notes, folding the laundry. Then you are doing it all over again and again and again.

But you, quiet hero, are inspiring. Your faithfulness in the everyday is important. Don’t ever let someone convince you otherwise.

Because (I’m going to let you in on an encouraging word) …

When an ordinary life is marked by extraordinary grace, it isn’t so ordinary anymore.

So stand up, shake the dust, and keep on going. There is glory in the grittiness. 

We rarely know what God is working on behind the scenes. We don’t know what He might do through a little faith and a brave leap. A gentle word could change someone’s day. A love-filled conversation could change someone’s life.

And I can tell you this, at the very least:

When I look over at you—smiling at the customers, raising the kids, earning the degree, cooking for the loved ones, making the art—I know that God will give me the strength to keep going, too.

You are a glimpse of the real Hero, dear one.

Your faithfulness is far louder than you think. 

And your light shines far brighter than you know.